Sunday, March 2, 2008

Ah, spring

First a quick update on my friend (the one I collided with at ramming speed while skiing around the middle of February). He's on the mend and doing better, it would appear that now serious harm was done and he hasn't sued me for whiplash or anything like that, so it would seem no real damage came out of the incident.

I haven't written in a couple of weeks, been allowing myself to get too busy, but I have something write about now. We got a fair amount of snow this season, but it has been melting pretty good of late and this morning our basement flooded. Nothing too bad, but it's the third time in 6 years that it has happened, so we've decided to give up on carpet in that part of the basement. The good thing is we have some great neighbors and they helped us get things cleaned up and had us over for dinner this evening, so all of that was good.

It's a beautiful thing when neighbors help each other out and look out for each other. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone did that? I mean, just imagine if certain parts of the world that just can't seem to get along could adopt that kind of an attitude. I'm confident they would get much more enjoyment out of helping each other than fighting each other if they could just give it a chance.


It Ain't Over Til the Fat Lady Sings said...

Hey, Doobie - people like you should be in charge of the world. Neighbors helping neighbors - what an excellent concept. I just wish that more folks could think the way you do. Wish your neighbors were closer to me - rain and snow melt is flooding my cellar as well. We have no carpets, and everything we have stored there is up above the water line, but it's still a hassle, and the water needs to be cleaned up to prevent mold, etc. Ah, but Spring is right around the corner, right???

Doobie said...

Man, I sure hope it is. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love to ski and don't mind winter due to that, but I could go for some warm weather now and can't wait for garden fresh tomatoes etc.