Thursday, March 20, 2008

Is the customer always right?

Today was a long day... 12 and a half hours to be exact (not counting commute time). I got a lot done, so that's good, but some people can be hard to work with for one reason or another.
One particular customer is the type who is always right and easily annoyed by anyone who disagrees with him or doesn't want to do things his way. He also wants things delivered ASAP, even if he just changed his mind and is having you redo work that had previously been done and approved.
It can be frustrating, but you can't always pick your customers.

On a lighter side, my little girl had a birthday earlier in the week and we had fun singing to her, watching her open presents and of course having cake and ice cream. Kids are great. Or at least they can be when not throwing a fit for whatever reason.

1 comment:

It Ain't Over Til the Fat Lady Sings said...

There are two rules when it comes to customers. Rule # 1 - the customer is always right. Rule # 2 - when the customer is wrong, refer to rule # 1.

The good news is that you can leave the customers behind when you go home to spend time with family and friends.

Hang in there, Doobie. You have a remarkable talent when it comes to customer service. Don't let one irritating customer drag you down.