Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Where I stand – on trans fats

Trans fats are unhealthy.  Everybody that has done any research knows this.  They raise LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol.  Both of those are bad things. 
I stay away from trans fats, which means not buying products that contain them and checking nutrition information for restaurants that I visit, not ordering things that contain trans fats and not eating there at all if everything contains trans fats. 
In my opinion, nobody should be consuming things that contain trans fats.  But should the FDA ban their use outright?  No; this is a classic case of the government overstepping their bounds. 
Educate people and they will stay away from trans fats as I do and the market will voluntarily stop using trans fats as a result.  This is the correct way to solve problems, education, not regulation or legislation.  Government should do less thinking for us and we should do more thinking for ourselves.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Where I stand – on immigration reform

Currently, it is easier to come to this country illegally than legally.  Both of those need to change.  It should be easier for immigrants to come to this country than it is currently, less red tape, less paperwork.  Those that wish to move here to live the rest of their lives or that just want to come here to work and earn money and return to their homelands should be able to do so.  On the flip side, those coming here illegal should face a more difficult task to get into the country and not have their illegal activities encouraged by giving them any sort of welfare or amnesty.

I am not in favor of granting amnesty to those already here illegally.  But I would support granting them the opportunity to follow the proper legal process to start on a path to citizenship, green cards or work visa’s, whatever would be applicable to their situation.  Trying to deport them all would not be very realistic, so some other way of dealing with the current number of illegal immigrants is required.