Saturday, June 7, 2008

All work and no play make Doobie a dull boy

This past week has been pretty rough work wise. I worked ten to twelve hours every day, except for Saturday and Sunday when I worked eight and four hours respectively. I'm almost done with this project though, so that's good.
The frustrating part is when you're just spinning your wheels. I know I'll get blasted by all of the Java disciples for saying this, but working with Java again this past week after having not used it in a few years really makes me appreciate C# and the .Net framework.
Yeah, Java is a good platform and the syntax of the language itself is also good, but the utilities and plugins and trying to get everything configured right and playing nice just makes me crazy. Sure, it can be done and there seem to be people out there who prefer it, but .Net is so much more straightforward when it comes to all that sort of thing.
Okay, enough complaining and time to get back to work.
I'll sound off later.

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