Saturday, July 5, 2008

Guitar Hero

Yesterday my company did a booth at the Farr West Freedom Festival, a small city celebration for Independence Day. My original plan was to have people box each other using the Wii and my sister in law made up a poster for me that said "Fight a friend to help a stranger" and had pictures of boxing gloves on it. (The explanation here is that all proceeds from the booth will be donated to the Humanitarian Aid Fund, the same fund that supplied food, blankets and other items to the victims of hurricane Katrina long before FEMA and had said items ready to go before the hurricane made landfall)
Anyway, for those who haven't played Wii boxing, it can be exhausting and you can work up a sweat even when playing in a cool basement. When I learned it was going to be 102 on the 4th, I decided it would be best to take a different approach, lest I be the target of several wrongful death lawsuits by family members of those who collapsed as a result of engaging in such an activity in such conditions. So, plan B ended up being to play Guitar Hero, a fun game that mimics playing the guitar (although I must say, not very realistically) and the object of the game is to follow the onscreen action to hit the right notes at the right times. It is a very fun game, despite, or perhaps even because of, its lack of realism.
It went fairly well, despite the heat and we saw some kids that were pretty darn good at the game. Although, the best score I saw all day was 89 thousand points. Seems there was a Guitar Hero champion ship recently and the winner, a 14 year old boy, got 890 thousand points. Ten times the best that I saw, which was already mind-boggling. The song played is called, "Through the fire and flames". If you can find a clip of it online, listen to the guitar part and think of how tricky it would be to play such a song.
I can't help but wonder if that kid does anything other than play Guitar Hero...

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